Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 20
Posted by Celebrity Oops | Posted in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 20 full video online for free.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 20 is entitled "Soul of the Guardian" in English and "Shugosha no Tamashii" in raw.
Here's Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 20 synopsis...
Each of the Elric brothers finds himself in fierce battle with a guard of Laboratory 5. However, both brothers soon discover that the guards are identical to Al; the guards are souls bound to empty suits of armor. Number 48 reveals himself as Slicer, a serial killer, and Number 66 reveals himself as Barry the Chopper, who the brothers helped arrest. Though Ed feels his auto-mail failing, he manages to grab Slicer's helmet, immobilizing Slicer. However, Slicer reveals that he was in fact two brothers and the suit of armor continues to attack. Remembering his goal, an exhausted Ed finally disables Slicer. The Slicer brothers ask for death, calling themselves inhuman, but Ed refuses because it would force him to admit that Al isn't human either. Outside, Barry the Chopper is stunned to find that Al is a suit of armor as well. However, he manages to convince Al that Al's personality and memories were all fake implants, and remembering the question that Ed failed to ask in Resembool, Al begins to wonder.
Watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 21