Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 15
Posted by Celebrity Oops | Posted in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 15 full video online for free.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 15 is entitled "The Ishbal Massacre" in English and "Ishuvāru Gyakusatsu" in raw.
Here's Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 15 synopsis...
Scar and Armstrong continue to duel, and Ed, Al, and Marcoh escape in the chaos. Armstrong discovers that Scar is from Ishbal and that he uses alchemy. Marcoh tells Ed and Al about the Ishbal rebellion. Ishbal, originally a peaceful region that only differed in religion, erupted in civil war when an officer accidentally shot a child. State Alchemists were liberally used against the Ishbalans, who viewed alchemy as heretical. Marcoh was asked by Basque Gran to provide transmutation amplification agents in the form of red stones to aid the war, which resulted in huge casualties on the Ishbalan side. Mustang, forced to kill a pair of doctors, who were saving lives from both sides, allows Marcoh to desert. When the doctors are revealed to be Winry's parents, Marcoh refuses to escape to Resembool with the brothers. Scar, fleeing from the military, runs into Ed and Al again and destroys Ed's arm and a section of Al's body. Marcoh throws his red stone at Scar, causing Scar great pain when Scar's arm absorbs the stone. Scar flees and the military arrives to rescue them. Marcoh is taken to a "safe location" by the Fuhrer's secretary.
Watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 16